Explore in-depth analyses on how legal frameworks can address biodiversity loss and promote sustainable governance practices.
Global Experts Key Messages on Biodiversity Law and Governance
- Prof Marie-Claire Cordonier Segger WIJA FRSC FRSA (Chair, BLGI & Senior Director, CISDL / Chair in Sustainable Development Law & Policy, Univ Cambridge)
- Prof Carlos Andrés Echeverry Restrepo (Director, Dept of Legal & Political Science, Pontificia Univ Javeriana, Cali)
- Prof Ivonne Díaz Pérez (Dean, Pontificia Univ Javeriana, Cali)
- Prof Patricia Kameri-Mbote (Director, UNEP Law Division)
- Prof Jorge Cabrera (Univ Costa Rica / Lead Counsel, CISDL)
- Dr Michelle Lim (Deputy Chair IUCN WCEL Biodiversity Law Specialist Group & Assoc Prof, Yong Pung How School of Law, Singapore Management Univ)
- Adv Kelly Sporn (Special Counsel & Intl Head of Strategic Delivery – Sustainability & ESG, DLA Piper)
- Prof Damilola S. Olawuyi (Vice-Chair, Intl Law Assoc / UNESCO Chair in Environmental Law and Sustainable Development, Hamad Bin Khalifa Univ)
- Adv Prudence Galaga (Permanent Secretary, Cameroon)
Conservation and Sustainable Use of Biodiversity in International Treaty Regimes
Hosted by CISDL, Univ Cambridge, Univ de Costa Rica, Univ Javeriana Cali, Univ Externado de Colombia
How can international treaty regimes help foster conservation and sustainable use efforts to align with the goals and targets set out by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework?
To learn how can international treaty regimes help foster conservation and sustainable use efforts to align with the goals and targets set out by the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework click here
Fostering Biodiversity through Indigenous Treaty Law
Hosted by CISDL, International Inter-Tribal Trade and Investment Organization, Univ Victoria, Univ McGill
What lessons can we respectfully learn from Indigenous knowledge-holders to foster global biodiversity? Who holds the responsibility of implementing the changes required to restore and revitalized our ecosystems? How can we support Indigenous stewards of biodiversity as allies?
To learn from world leading experts on the role of Indigenous laws in biodiversity protection click here
Advancing Biodiversity Law and Fair Governance through Agroecology
Hosted by Agroecology Coalition and IPES-Food
How can agroecology advance biodiversity law and fair governance? How can the current food systems governance be best designed to better take into account biodiversity and vice-versa? How can stakeholders promote a more inclusive and representative governance system to ensure more equity and enhanced biodiversity law?
To explore strategies from leading experts for integrating biodiversity protection into agroecological practices click here
Synergies between International Treaties for Catalysing Environmental Democracy
Hosted by Raoul Wallenberg Institute on Human Rights & Humanitarian Law-Lund Univ, Global Network for Human Rights and Environment (GNHRE)
How can synergies between international treaties contribute to environmental democracy? How can environmental democracy treaties help achieve the Biodiversity Plan? What is the role of environmental human rights defenders in catalysing peace with nature? To learn about the power of treaties to catalyze environmental democracy click here
Advancing the Legal Protection for Biodiversity in Armed Conflict
How does international biodiversity law intersect with international humanitarian law to promote the protection of biodiversity in armed conflicts? What legal and policy challenges impede the integration of biodiversity protection into the law of armed conflict? How can legal recognition and protection of biodiversity be advanced before, during, and after armed conflicts?
To learn about the role of biodiversity law in armed conflict click here
Engaging Ecocide Law as a Mechanism for Climate Ambition
Hosted by Youth for Ecocide Law (Y4EL), Stop Ecocide International
What role do Indigenous communities play in the enforcement of the Ecocide Law? How can their traditional knowledge systems be integrated into the global legal frameworks for environmental protection? What role can youth play in amplifying the impacts of Ecocide Law?
To discover how ecocide laws can strengthen climate and biodiversity commitments click here
Sharing Experiences from the Commercial Frontline – Financing 30/30
Hosted by Hogan Lovells
How can biodiversity credit markets support the financing of the 30×30 conservation goal? What commercial partnerships, legal drivers, and market adoption challenges for achieve this goal? How can law facilitate the adoption, implementation, and effectiveness of these markets?
To learn about financial strategies to achieve global biodiversity targets click here
Legal Dimensions of the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework
Hosted by CISDL, Univ Cambridge, Univ de Costa Rica, Univ Javeriana Cali, Univ Externado de Colombia
How to advance the Kunming-Montreal Global Biodiversity Framework by scaling up law and governance capacity, practice and reform?
To understand the critical legal mechanisms driving the framework’s implementation click here
Investing in Nature – Financial Innovation & Good Governance
Hosted by Univ Externado de Colombia, Instituto Interamericano de Justicia y Sostenibilidad (IIJS), IUCN, UNEP
How can corporate governance frameworks and public policy shift towards more sector-specific reporting requirements, particularly in the construction and ecotourism sectors, to produce verifiable environmental outcomes in rural areas? In what ways can stakeholder engagement, especially the inclusion of local communities and environmental groups, be enhanced to ensure that biodiversity conservation becomes central to corporate decision-making, aligning with Colombia’s NBSAPs and the Kunming-Montreal GBF? What role can biodiversity-linked financial instruments, such as green bonds and impact investing, play in incentivizing private sector participation in conservation efforts in Colombia’s biodiversity-rich regions, and how can these tools be tailored to ensure alignment? How can Online Dispute Resolution (ODR) and other alternative dispute resolution mechanisms be effectively utilized to manage biodiversity-related conflicts, particularly in disputes involving corporate activities, Indigenous communities, and environmental groups, while ensuring that both legal and biodiversity conservation goals are met?
To explore innovative financial models for biodiversity preservation click here
Youth Voices in Biodiversity Governance
Hosted by Voices of the Future Generations Children’s Initiative (VOFG CI), Global Youth Council on Science, Law & Sustainability (GYC), Youth Negotiators Academy (YNA), Danish Youth Delegates to UN on Climate & Environment, Global Youth Biodiversity Network, Global Landscape Forum
How can youth-led initiatives advance biodiversity when grounded in the Convention on the Rights of the Child? What is the role of youth in biodiversity conservation and the legal frameworks? How can young leaders be empowered in in global biodiversity governance and policy-making?
To hear from young leaders on shaping biodiversity governance for future generations click here
Biodiversity Law & Governance Leadership Awards
Celebrate the achievements of global leaders dedicated to advancing biodiversity governance click here